Click or drag to resize

GImage Properties

The GImage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyactualHeight
actualHeight = height * scaleY
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyactualWidth
actualWidth = width * scalex
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyalpha
The opacity of the object. 0 = transparent, 1 = opaque.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasButton (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasCom (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasComboBox (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasGraph (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasGroup (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasImage (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasLabel (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasList (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasLoader (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasMovieClip (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasProgress (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasRichTextField (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasSlider (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasTextField (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyasTextInput (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyblendMode
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertycolor
Color of the image.
Public propertydisplayObject
Lowlevel display object.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertydraggable
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertydragging
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyenabled
Enabled is shortcut for grayed and !touchable combination.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyfillAmount
Fill amount. (0~1)
Public propertyfillClockwise
Fill clockwise if true.
Public propertyfillMethod
Fill method.
Public propertyfillOrigin
Fill origin.
Public propertyfilter
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyflip
Flip type.
Public propertyfocusable
If the object can be focused?
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyfocused
If the object is focused. Focused object can receive key events.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertygameObjectName
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertygearLook
Gear to look controller.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertygearSize
Gear to size controller.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertygearXY
Gear to xy controller.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertygrayed
If true, apply a grayed effect on this object.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertygroup
Group belonging to.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyheight
The height of the object in pixels.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyicon
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyid
GObject的id,仅作为内部使用。与name不同,id值是不会相同的。 id is for internal use only.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyinContainer
If the object has lowlevel displayobject and the displayobject has a container parent?
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertymaterial
Set material.
Public propertyonAddedToStage
Dispatched when the object was added to the stage.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonClick
Dispatched when the object or its child was clicked.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonClickLink
Dispatched when links in the object or its child was clicked.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonDragEnd
Dispatched when drag end.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonDragMove
Dispatched when dragging.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonDragStart
Dispatched when drag start.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyOnGearStop
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonKeyDown
Dispatched on key pressed when the object is in focus.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonPositionChanged
Dispatched when the object was moved.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonRemovedFromStage
Dispatched when the object was removed from the stage.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonRightClick
Dispatched when the object or its child was clicked by right mouse button. Web only.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonRollOut
The cursor or finger leave an object.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonRollOver
The cursor or finger hovers over an object.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonSizeChanged
Dispatched when the object was resized.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonStage
If the object is on stage.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonTouchBegin
Dispatched when the finger touched the object or its child just now.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonTouchEnd
Dispatched when the finger was lifted from the screen or from the mouse button.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyonTouchMove
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyparent
Parent object.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertypivot
The x and y coordinates of the object's origin in its own coordinate space.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertypivotAsAnchor (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertypivotX
The x coordinate of the object's origin in its own coordinate space.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertypivotY
The y coordinate of the object's origin in its own coordinate space.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertypixelSnapping (Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyposition
The x,y,z coordinates of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyrelations
Relations Object.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyresourceURL
Resource url of this object.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyroot
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyrotation
The rotation around the z axis of the object in degrees.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyrotationX
The rotation around the x axis of the object in degrees.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyrotationY
The rotation around the y axis of the object in degrees.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyscale
The scale factor.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyscaleX
The horizontal scale factor. '1' means no scale, cannt be negative.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyscaleY
The vertical scale factor. '1' means no scale, cannt be negative.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyshader
Set shader.
Public propertysize
The size of the object in pixels.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyskew
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertysortingOrder
By default(when sortingOrder==0), object added to component is arrange by the added roder. The bigger is the sorting order, the object is more in front.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertytext
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertytexture
Set texture directly. The image wont own the texture.
Public propertytooltips
Tooltips of this object. UIConfig.tooltipsWin must be set first.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertytouchable
If the object can touch or click. GImage/GTextField is not touchable even it is true.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyvisible
The visibility of the object. An invisible object will be untouchable.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertywidth
The width of the object in pixels.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyx
The x coordinate of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyxMin
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyxy
The x and y coordinates of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyy
The y coordinate of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyyMin
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public propertyz
The z coordinate of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
(Inherited from GObject.)
See Also