Click or drag to resize

Window Methods

The Window type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddChild
Add a child to the component. It will be at the frontmost position.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodAddChildAt
Adds a child to the component at a certain index.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodAddController
Adds a controller to the container.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodAddEventListener(String, EventCallback0)
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodAddEventListener(String, EventCallback1)
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodAddRelation(GObject, RelationType)
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodAddRelation(GObject, RelationType, Boolean)
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodAddUISource
Set a UISource to this window. It must call before the window is shown. When the window is first time to show, UISource.Load is called. Only after all UISource is loaded, the window will continue to init. 为窗口添加一个源。这个方法建议在构造函数调用。当窗口第一次显示前,UISource的Load方法将被调用,然后只有所有的UISource 都ready后,窗口才会继续初始化和显示。
Public methodBringToFront
Public methodBroadcastEvent
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodBubbleEvent
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodCenter
Set the object in middle of the parent or GRoot if the parent is not set.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodCenter(Boolean)
Set the object in middle of the parent or GRoot if the parent is not set.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodCenterOn
Make the window be center of the screen.
Public methodCloseModalWait
Public methodCloseModalWait(Int32)
Close modal waiting. If rquestingCmd is equal to the value you transfer in ShowModalWait, mowal wait will be closed. Otherwise, this function has no effect. 关闭模式等待。如果requestingCmd和ShowModalWait传入的不相同,则这个函数没有任何动作,立即返回。
Public methodConstructFromResource (Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodConstructFromXML
Method for extensions to override
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodDispatchEvent(String)
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodDispatchEvent(EventContext)
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodDispatchEvent(String, Object)
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodDispatchEvent(String, Object, Object) (Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodDispose (Overrides GComponentDispose.)
Public methodEnsureBoundsCorrect
Make sure the bounds of the component is correct. Bounds of the component is not updated on every changed. For example, you add a new child to the list, children in the list will be rearranged in next frame. If you want to access the correct child position immediatelly, call this function first.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetChild
Returns a child object with a certain name.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetChildAt
Returns a child object at a certain index. If index out of bounds, exception raised.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetChildIndex
Returns the index of a child within the container, or "-1" if it is not found.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetChildInGroup
Returns a child object belong to a group with a certain name.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetChildren
Returns a copy of all children with an array.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetController
Returns a controller object with a certain name.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetControllerAt
Returns a controller object at a certain index.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetFirstChildInView (Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetGear (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodGetTransition
Returns a transition object at a certain name.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetTransitionAt
Returns a transition object at a certain index.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGetVisibleChild
Returns a visible child object with a certain name.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodGlobalToLocal(Rect)
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodGlobalToLocal(Vector2)
Transforms a point from global (Stage) coordinates to the local coordinate system.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodHandleControllerChanged (Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodHide
Public methodHideImmediately
Hide window immediately, no OnHide will be called.
Public methodInit
Public methodInvalidateBatchingState
Mark the fairy batching state is invalid.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodInvalidateBatchingState(Boolean) (Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodIsAncestorOf
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodIsChildInView
Test if a child is in view.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodLocalToGlobal(Rect)
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodLocalToGlobal(Vector2)
Transforms a point from the local coordinate system to global (Stage) coordinates.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodLocalToRoot
Transforms a point from the local coordinate system to GRoot coordinates.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodMakeFullScreen
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodRemoveChild(GObject)
Removes a child from the component. If the object is not a child, nothing happens.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodRemoveChild(GObject, Boolean)
Removes a child from the component. If the object is not a child, nothing happens.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodRemoveChildAt(Int32)
Removes a child at a certain index. Children above the child will move down.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodRemoveChildAt(Int32, Boolean)
Removes a child at a certain index. Children above the child will move down.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodRemoveChildren
Remove all children.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodRemoveChildren(Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Removes a range of children from the container (endIndex included).
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodRemoveController
Removes a controller from the container.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodRemoveEventListener(String, EventCallback0)
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodRemoveEventListener(String, EventCallback1)
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodRemoveEventListeners
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodRemoveEventListeners(String)
(Inherited from EventDispatcher.)
Public methodRemoveFromParent
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodRemoveRelation
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodRequestFocus
Request focus on this object.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodRootToLocal
Transforms a point from the GRoot coordinate to local coordinates system.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSetBoundsChangedFlag
Notify the component the bounds should recaculate.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodSetChildIndex
Moves a child to a certain index. Children at and after the replaced position move up.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodSetChildIndexBefore
Moves a child to a certain position which is in front of the child previously at given index. 与SetChildIndex不同的是,如果child原来在index的前面,那么child插入的位置是index-1,即保证排在原来占据index的对象的前面。
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodSetHome
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSetPivot(Single, Single)
Change the x and y coordinates of the object's origin in its own coordinate space.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSetPivot(Single, Single, Boolean)
Change the x and y coordinates of the object's origin in its own coordinate space.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSetPosition
change the x,y,z coordinates of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSetScale
Change the scale factor.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSetSize(Single, Single)
Change size.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSetSize(Single, Single, Boolean)
Change size.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSetup_AfterAdd (Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodSetup_BeforeAdd (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSetXY(Single, Single)
change the x and y coordinates of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSetXY(Single, Single, Boolean)
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodShow
Public methodShowModalWait
Public methodShowModalWait(Int32)
Display a modal waiting sign in the front. 显示一个等待标志在最前面。等待标志的资源可以通过UIConfig.windowModalWaiting。等待标志组件会设置为屏幕大小,请内部做好关联。 还可以设定一个requestingCmd作为等待的命令字,在CloseModalWait里传入相同的命令字ModalWait将结束,否则CloseModalWait无效。
Public methodShowOn
Public methodStartDrag
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodStartDrag(Int32)
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodStopDrag
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodSwapChildren
Swaps the indexes of two children.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodSwapChildrenAt
Swaps the indexes of two children.
(Inherited from GComponent.)
Public methodToggleStatus
Switch show and hide status.
Public methodTransformPoint
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodTransformRect
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodTweenFade (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodTweenMove (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodTweenMoveX (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodTweenMoveY (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodTweenResize (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodTweenRotate (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodTweenScale (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodTweenScaleX (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodTweenScaleY (Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodWorldToLocal(Vector3)
(Inherited from GObject.)
Public methodWorldToLocal(Vector3, Camera)
(Inherited from GObject.)
See Also